Living with schizophrenia and the symptoms of schizophrenia
Mental illnesses are exactly that; illnesses. People suffering from mental illness should be treated in the same way as someone suffering with any other chronic disease: with compassion, with understanding, and with support. The people at Schiz Life understand this, and have endeavored to create an understanding and informative community. Schiz Life is designed to be a place of support for those dealing with the struggles of schizophrenia symptoms as well as those close to them. Schiz Life provides general information on those curious about the disorder, tips for managing schizophrenia symptoms, and a place for those dealing with the disorder to share their stories and artwork. For more information on living with schizophrenia, visit their website and discover the support that awaits.
Keywords: schizophrenia symptoms, schizophreniform disorder, schizophrenia, living with schizophrenia